Category Archives: Home Decor

A Sarong by Any Other Name

The Many Names of Sarongs We know that a rose by any other name would smell as sweet. Would a sarong by any other name be as beautiful and useful?   We’ve talked about some of the many uses for a sarong or pareo. Perhaps you’re wondering about the countries where these versatile garments are […]

Planning a Barbecue? Don’t Forget the Sarong

Sarongs at the Barbecue Many Uses for a Sarong Jeff and Joslyn hosted their first barbecue on July 4th this year. Young and married for just one year, they nervously ventured into the untried territory of entertaining guests. Friends had told them, “You can’t go wrong with a barbecue.” Hmmm. Are you sure? No Apron? […]

Going Camping? Pack a Sarong or Two

Sun protection After you’ve successfully filtered and enjoyed your morning coffee you pack up and hit the trail. The sun gets hotter and hotter, and you start to wilt. A flash of inspiration: you reach into your backpack, take out your sarong and drape it over your head and shoulders. You suddenly have cool, lightweight […]


If you’re planning a trip this summer, consider the sarong as a faithful travel companion. You may be wondering how you’ll fit everything into one suitcase. With airlines charging for bags these days, we’re all trying to pack lighter. Tucked into otherwise wasted spots in your bag (yes, that’s singular) this summer could be at […]

How to Decorate Your Rented Space

Hand painted sarongs make great wall hangings that can be hung without putting nails in the wall – light enough for push pins, sarongs are the best decor option for rented spaces.